An Overview of Gynecomastia: Male Breast Reduction Surgery

with breast reduction in males. A man's chest might sag from too much breast tissue, which would strain the areola (the black skin around the nipple). Gynecomastia can occur unilaterally in one chest or bilaterally in both chests.

In this blog, the renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, known for providing the best surgery for male breast reduction in Delhi, has provided crucial insights related to gynecomastia or its related aspects. If one is thinking of getting it done, one must have a basic understanding of it. Continue reading to learn more.

Gynecomastia affects men of all ages. Men's enlarged chest can be brought on by hormonal changes, weight gains, inherited disorders, sicknesses, or certain medicines, such as marijuana and anabolic steroids.

Although gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction surgery can be done at any age, it is most effective at the stage of breast development. Teenagers may benefit from surgery, but other surgeries may be required if breast growth continues.

Gynecomastia can make a man feel emotionally uncomfortable and may lower his self-esteem. In addition, some men may avoid engaging in particular physical activities or intimate relationships to disguise their illness.

Pre-surgery Considerations for Male Breast Reduction

  • Any surgical procedure to treat gynecomastia will include making cuts or incisions. Even though most incisions are concealed by the chest's natural curves or areolae, some scars may still be seen after any breast reduction procedure.
  • If one’s gynecomastia was brought on by using specific prescription medications or pharmaceuticals, including steroids, or through weight gain. Then, one must completely abstain from these substances and keep a stable weight to retain the outcomes of their surgery.
  • Smokers are more likely to experience difficulties. Therefore, one should make an effort to stop smoking if they want to have a successful surgery.

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

Treatment options for gynecomastia include liposuction, surgical excision (tissue removal), and occasionally both. Liposuction procedures alone may be used when excess fatty tissue is the leading cause of gynecomastia.

  • Liposuction involves injecting fluid into the tissue before a cannula (a tiny, hollow tube) is inserted into the incision. The cannula is carefully pushed back and forth to remove the extra fat from the body via vacuum suction. If liposuction is to be used alone, it is vital to consider factors like the patient's age and skin flexibility.
  • In cases where glandular breast tissue or extra skin needs to be removed to treat gynecomastia, excision (surgical removal) is advised. If the areola is to be decreased or the nipple is to be moved to the chest, excision is required. Depending on the individual conditions and the doctor’s discretion, several incisions (cuts) are made.
  • The surgeon will attempt to conceal the incisions wherever feasible by placing them at the margins of the areola or in skin folds. Typically, some tissue is left behind the nipple to avoid a hollowing or "donut" deformity after surgery. If gynecomastia-causing chemicals are used again after the procedure, this remaining tissue may develop again.

Post-surgery Care

Follow the doctor's instructions, but specific advice for self-care following breast reduction surgery includes the following:

  • Pay attention to all wound-care instructions.
  • Simply recovering after liposuction should only take a few days. Excision surgery recovery might take a few weeks.
  • If one has undergone excision surgery, wait a month before lifting or exercising. For a few weeks, one may have some stiffness and swelling.
  • Use a compression garment for one to four weeks to get the most significant outcomes and reduce scarring.

Any bleeding, excruciating pain, or strange symptoms should be reported to the surgeon immediately.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

  • Running and other physical activities may be done easily and without feeling self-conscious.
  • Assists in building a more contoured physique.
  • It helps a person overcome anxieties brought on by gynecomastia. Without thinking about their looks, one can go without a shirt.
  • It gives men with gynecomastia a firmer, flatter chest look and increases their self-confidence.
  • The patient may wear fitting clothing and enjoy the beach and pool without feeling self-conscious, thanks to their flat chest.
  • Encourages males to stand taller and more upright, which improves overall posture. Gynecomastia can alter a person's posture by rounding out and disfiguring the upper spine. Over time, this can lead to the development of a permanent hump and persistent back discomfort. Men have bad postures as they strive to cover their bloated chests.
  • Relief from social shyness is provided.

Will the Surgery Leave a Scar?

Having scars after surgery is one of the most common things individuals fear. However, thanks to advancements in medical science and its techniques. The areola, the black skin surrounding the nipple, is where the incisions for breast reduction are made. This incision is used to remove the glandular tissue. Additionally, tiny incisions are made along the breast crease in the concealed regions for liposuction. Most of these cuts are hardly noticeable and disappear with time.

To learn more about this effective surgery for Gynecomastia in Delhi, visit the Aestiva Clinic. Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, the leasing plastic surgeon, provides a thorough consultation to provide the best outcomes. To learn more, visit Aestiva Clinic now!


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