Breast Augmentation: Ideal Candidates, Procedure and The Right Implants

 Every woman desires to feel confident in her skin, and for many, this includes having breasts that are in harmony with their overall body shape. Aesthetic concerns about the size and shape of breasts can significantly impact self-esteem and body image. But with the use of breast augmentation, a surgical procedure, one can achieve the desired breast size. This will help boost self-confidence as well as comfort.

To provide breast augmentation seekers with comprehensive information this article is being drafted. In this article we will learn about the ideal candidates for breast augmentation, various methods, how one can choose the right type of breast implant for them, and much more. To make this article knowledgeable, we have gathered the insights from Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned cosmetic and plastic surgeon for breast enlargement in Delhi.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and projection of the breasts. The procedure involves either the placement of breast implants, such as silicone or saline, or the transfer of fat to augment the breasts.

It's essential to understand that breast augmentation is not about conforming to societal ideals but about helping women feel confident and comfortable in their bodies.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Before embarking on breast augmentation, an experienced surgeon assesses whether the patient is an ideal candidate for the procedure. The following factors contribute to making someone an ideal candidate:

  1. Volume Restoration

Women seeking to restore breast volume lost due to factors like excessive weight loss or pregnancy.

  1. Symmetry Enhancement

Those wishing to improve breast symmetry when one breast is noticeably smaller than the other.

  1. Fullness and Projection

Women desiring fuller breasts with increased projection.

  1. Balance and Curves

Patients seeking to complement their curvy hips and achieve a balanced physique.

  1. Correction of Deformities

In cases of tuberous breast deformities, breast augmentation can help correct these irregularities.

The Surgical Procedure

Breast augmentation begins with general anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort during the procedure. Incisions are strategically made in discrete areas to minimize the possibility of visible scarring. Several incision options include:

  1. Inframammary

A 4 to 5 cm incision made in the crease below the breasts, virtually invisible over time.

  1. Peri-areolar

An incision around the nipple or at the junction between the areola and breast skin, more noticeable but less preferred.

  1. Axillary

Surgeons use an endoscopic approach to insert an implant through an axillary incision, often preferred for its minimal visibility.

The choice of incision type depends on the desired degree of enlargement, the patient's anatomy, the type of breast implant, and the preferences of both the patient and the surgeon. After implant placement, the incisions are meticulously closed.

Addressing Concerns About Scarring

It's natural to have concerns about scarring following breast implants. However, it's essential to understand that all surgical procedures involve some level of scarring. Fortunately, breast augmentation incisions are designed to be discreet and fade over time. The skilled surgeon aims for minimal scarring, allowing patients to enjoy their enhanced breasts with confidence.

Longevity of Breast Implants

While nothing lasts forever, breast implants can endure a lifetime in many cases. However, there may be instances of implant infection, capsular contracture, or implant leakage, necessitating removal. Occasionally, patients may desire larger implants due to age-related concerns like breast skin sagging and stretching.

Recovery and Resuming Normal Activities

Recovery following breast augmentation varies depending on the patient's condition and the degree of augmentation. Most patients can return home the day after surgery and resume work within a week. Following postoperative guidelines provided by the surgeon are crucial for achieving the best results.

Breastfeeding and Implants

Breast implants, when performed by expert cosmetic surgeons using advanced techniques, should not interfere with breastfeeding. However, the type of surgery and incisions may influence breastfeeding. Incisions around the areola are more likely to affect breastfeeding, but most implant incisions should not pose significant issues.

Possible Side Effects

Potential risks of breast implants are minimal and include pain, bruising, swelling, and chest tightness. Long-term complications, such as implant leakage or deflation, may require prompt removal. These risks are manageable with expert care and follow-up.

Choosing the Right Implants: Silicone vs. Saline

  1. Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants consist of a silicone shell or envelope filled with medical-grade silicone gel. The silicone gel inside these implants is cohesive and thick, closely resembling the feel of natural breast tissue. This gel is designed to stay in place within the implant shell, providing a stable and realistic shape.

When are Silicone Implants Recommended?

Silicone breast implants are often recommended for women who have minimal natural breast tissue or those looking for a particularly natural look and feel. Here's why these implants are preferred:

  • Natural Feel: The cohesive silicone gel in these implants closely mimics the consistency of natural breast tissue. This characteristic results in a soft, pliable, and realistic feel when touched or pressed, making silicone implants a preferred choice for achieving a natural breast texture.
  • Reduced Rippling: Silicone implants are less likely to exhibit visible rippling or wrinkling on the surface, which can sometimes occur with saline implants. This makes them a suitable option for women with thin or minimal breast tissue, as the silicone gel provides more structural support and hides imperfections.
  • Subtle Appearance: Silicone implants tend to create a subtle and natural-looking breast profile. They are ideal for individuals seeking a modest enhancement that blends seamlessly with their existing body proportions.
  • Choice of Profiles: Silicone implants offer various profiles (projection levels) and shapes, allowing for a more tailored approach to achieve the desired breast shape and size while maintaining a natural appearance.
  1. Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants, in contrast, consist of a silicone shell or envelope filled with sterile saline water, which is essentially saltwater. These implants are filled after insertion into the breast, allowing for adjustments in volume to achieve symmetry if necessary.

When are Saline Implants Ideal?

Saline breast implants are typically recommended for specific situations and preferences:

  • Asymmetrical Breasts: Saline implants can be advantageous for women with naturally uneven breasts. Since they can be filled with varying amounts of saline, the surgeon can adjust the volume of each implant during surgery to achieve better symmetry.
  • Less Visible Scarring: Saline implants usually require smaller incisions than silicone implants because they are filled after insertion. This results in potentially less noticeable scarring, making them an attractive option for individuals concerned about incision scars.
  • Peace of Mind: In the unlikely event of a saline implant rupture or leakage, the sterile saline solution is harmlessly absorbed and expelled by the body. This allows for immediate detection of a rupture as the breast deflates, providing peace of mind for some patients.

Therefore, the choice between silicone and saline breast implants is a collaborative decision between the patient and their surgeon. Both options have distinct advantages, and selecting the right one depends on individual anatomy, aesthetic preferences, and desired outcomes. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized recommendations based on these factors is crucial to achieving the desired results in breast augmentation surgery.


Breast augmentation is a transformative journey that empowers women to achieve the confidence and proportionate beauty they desire. If one is looking for breast augmentation in Delhi, they can consult with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic. 

The expert surgeon’s commitment to natural-looking results, minimal scarring, and patient well-being ensures that every woman can embrace her body with newfound confidence. She offers tailored breast augmentation treatments to meet the unique expectations of each patient as she understands the importance of helping women achieve their desired breast size and shape, without compromising on a natural appearance and sensation.

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