Who is an Ideal Breast Augmentation Candidate?

 Are you feeling that your breasts are lacking the desired volume or definition or shape? Then consider undergoing the most effective way to augment your breast with Breast Augmentation surgery.

Many females with tiny or huge breasts are extremely cautious of their wardrobe choices and feel uncomfortable most of the time. Every woman wishes to seem proportional, with breasts that are neither too little nor too large to manage. For them, Aestiva Clinic can help one achieve the desired breast size using breast implants, commonly known as the breast augmentation or breast enlargement procedure.

Breast augmentation or Mammoplasty surgery can help you achieve the desired enhanced breast size. The surgery for breast enlargement in Delhi performed at  Aestiva Clinic is a customized operation that fits the patient's expectations.The surgery is performed by Dr. Mrinalini Sharam,  famous female plastic surgeon and she performs this surgery by implantation of silicone or saline breast implants or the transfer of fat.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Augmentation Treatment?

  • You are normally in good health.

You must be in generally excellent health to be considered for breast implant surgery. This indicates you don't have any active infections, cancer that hasn't been treated, or any other significant conditions. 

If you are presently taking medication or have any serious medical issues, you should discuss these with your doctor, who will advise you if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation. 

  • The size of your small breasts bothers you.

For most women, changing the size of their breasts is one of the key reasons they decide to undergo the surgery. The majority of them will have had tiny breasts since they reached adulthood, while some will observe a drop in breast size as they age. 

Some of the causes influencing size change may include severe weight loss, pregnancy, or nursing. 

Breast augmentation allows you to have the optimum size breasts for you, allowing you to feel more confident about your physique. 

  • You have had a mammogram.

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, you will most likely be required to have a medical examination as well as a mammogram. Before having an augmentation treatment, a mammography is frequently done to establish a baseline evaluation of your breast health. If you're getting breast implants to increase the size and form of your breasts, be sure your doctor has a mammogram for comparison.

Finally, this is critical for your breast health. You have most certainly already had your needed mammogram, as this test is often prescribed every one to three years depending on your age and risk factors for developing breast cancer.

  • You are not pregnant or nursing.

You must not be pregnant or nursing to be eligible for an augmentation treatment. This is due to several factors. Pregnant women, for example, cannot undergo general anesthesia unless necessary since it may harm the fetus's health. Furthermore, due to hormones and milk production, pregnant women's breasts will naturally alter in size and form.

Breastfeeding should be avoided until you are no longer breastfeeding since milk production causes your breasts to enlarge. Furthermore, while you should be able to nurse following an augmentation surgery, it is normally advisable to wait at least three months after you have stopped nursing.

  • You have realistic expectations.

To go over everything you need to know about the process during your initial appointment. You will also be told what you can achieve with the surgery and how your look will alter as a result of it. 

However, if you have unreasonable expectations from the operation and are determined to get those results, you may be denied breast augmentation surgery. 

  • You're ready to give up drinking, smoking, and other drugs.

One of the guidelines for Breast Augmentation in Delhi the doctor will offer you in preparation for the treatment is to stop smoking and drinking alcohol for at least a few days or weeks before the procedure. This is because such medicines may impede your recovery and ultimately result in increased scarring and bleeding. 

You must also abstain from using these medicines during your recovery time. This implies you should refrain from ingesting them until you have been medically cleared and healed.

  • You are unhappy with the shape of the breasts.

Breast augmentation surgery enhances not just the size but also the form of your breasts. You may be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation if your breasts are flattened, lopsided, drooping, and lacking enough cleavage or volume. 

Although some women may notice that the contour of one breast differs from the other, augmentation will be performed on both breasts. This is done to ensure complete symmetry. 

Benefits of Undergoing Breast Augmentation Surgery

  • It helps to added volume and curves
  • It also even out naturally asymmetrical breasts
  • It help restore breasts volume and shape after pregnancy and aging
  • It also rebuild breasts after a mastectomy
  • Help one increase their self-confidence

Breast Enlargement Aftercare You Must Follow For Early Recovery

  • Staying hydrated is critical to your recuperation. Water can assist with constipation, which is common after surgery. Water drinking can also help to minimize swelling. Also, avoid carbonated and caffeinated drinks at first, and avoid alcohol entirely.
  • When you wake up following breast augmentation, you will be wearing your surgical bra. This must be worn for 4-6 weeks following the procedure, depending on your recovery status. You may, however, wear another support bra in between washes. After this step, you can consult with your surgeon about acceptable alternate bra styles.
  • For a while following surgery, we recommend wearing zipped coats and button-up shirts. This prevents difficulties caused by early overstretching.
  • To avoid feeling nauseous and other undesired side effects or consequences, take any pain medicine with or after eating.
  • We recommend sleeping on your back and in an elevated posture for up to 6 weeks to keep you as upright as possible. It may feel strange at first, but resting on your back can help minimize swelling and discomfort while also reducing the danger of the implant slipping before recovery.
  • We recommend taking 7-10 days off from work, while patients with manual professions that demand heavy lifting may need two weeks. You may need to arrange for housekeeping and childcare assistance during this time.
  • We normally suggest avoiding exercise for at least 4 weeks following surgery and avoiding severe activity or heavy lifting until 6 weeks after the procedure and confirmation from your physician.

If you’re curious to know more about breast augmentation, the best thing you can do is talk to Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic about Breast Enlargement in Delhi directly.

She also performs other breast cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeries at her clinic like breast reduction, breast reconstruction, breast lift, cleave creation,. and many more. 

Also Read Breast Implant & Surgery:

How To Choose The Right Type Of Breas-T Implant For You?

Things You Need to Know about Breas-t Lift Surgery


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