10 Things To Know About Male Gynecomastia Surgery

 Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery, is a treatment performed for addressing enlarged breasts in men. Gynecomastia is a prevalent clinical condition in men that involves the benign (non-cancerous) growth or proliferation of glandular tissue in the male breast. A scattered lump is often felt behind the areola (the black skin on the breast surrounding the nipple). A variety of factors can cause this condition, and in most cases, it emerges due to increased oestrogen levels and decreased testosterone levels (hormonal imbalance) in males. If you have this condition, this article is for you. It will talk about this medical condition. The insights are from Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a famous plastic surgeon for Gynecomastia in Delhi. You can also contact her at Aestiva Clinic for more details to correct this aesthetic concern in males.

Gynecomastia in delhi, Gynecomastia Cost in delhi

Here are ten things people should know about gynecomastia surgery:

1. What is Gynecomastia and what causes It 

Gynecomastia is the growth of male breast tissue, which results in a more feminine chest appearance. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormone imbalances, certain drugs, heredity, obesity, and other medical disorders. Gynecomastia surgery seeks to remove extra breast tissue and restore a more masculine chest contour

2. Evaluation and candidature for male breast reduction surgery

Before considering gynecomastia surgery, it is critical to get a thorough evaluation by a board-certified plastic surgeon. The doctor will review the patient's medical history, do a physical examination, and request additional tests to determine the cause of their gynecomastia. Not all cases require surgical intervention; some can be treated with other treatments, such as lifestyle changes.

3. Surgical techniques are best for gynecomastia correction

Gynecomastia surgery often removes extra breast tissue, fat, and skin. The surgical method used may differ based on the severity of gynecomastia and the individual patient's needs. Liposuction, excision (surgical tissue removal), and combining the two are common treatments. The doctor will evaluate the best approach for the patient's specific case. Based on the type of procedure, the Male Breast Reduction Cost in Delhi is decided. At Aestiva Gynecomastia surgery, the cost ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000

4. Preparation for Gynecomastia Surgery

If patients and their surgeons agree that surgery is the best option, there are several things one should do to prepare. This includes:

  • Have realistic expectations about what surgery can do.
  • Do not smoke or consume nicotine in any form for at least 3 weeks, preferably longer, before (and after) surgery.
  • Stay well-rested and hydrated, and eat a good meal balanced with lots of protein.
  • If your diet is vitamin deficient, take vitamin C and zinc supplements and consult your doctor about additional options.
  • Consult your doctor about which supplements to avoid during the immediate preoperative period to enhance healing and reduce the risk of bleeding.

5. It is a quick procedure 

The only immediate option to reduce gynecomastia issues is through surgery, which can be performed with either local or general anesthesia and sedation to ensure the patient is not uncomfortable while under the knife. 

The procedure typically takes two hours, and depending on their condition, they may be discharged after a brief observation stay on the day of surgery. To remove glandular tissue and extra fat, an incision is made in the breast, usually around the nipple. The incisions are closed with absorbable sutures (stitches), and the area is carefully bandaged.

6. Gynecomastia surgery offers amazing results

Following surgery for male breast reduction in Delhi, patients should expect to recover for a few weeks. Initially, patients might experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area. The surgeon will give patients post-operative instructions, such as wearing compression garments and avoiding intense activity for a particular period. The final results of gynecomastia surgery are normally seen as the swelling wears off and the wounds heal. However, the complete result may take several weeks to become obvious.

7. Potential risks and complications 

Like any other surgical procedure, gynecomastia surgery involves risks and problems. These can include bleeding, infection, anesthesia-related complications, scarring, changes in nipple or breastfeeding, uneven shapes, fluid collection, and the need for revision surgery. Addressing these concerns with doctors and following their directions is critical to reduce the possibility of issues.

8. Reasons to opt for gynecomastia surgery

The most effective way to determine whether a man requires gynecomastia surgery is to schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. A plastic surgeon will analyse his situation during a consultation and recommend the best action. This could include surgical or non-surgical procedures. A skilled plastic surgeon can guide the patient through the procedure and help him make a good choice. Common reasons that may lead people to consider gynecomastia surgery include: 

Significant breast swelling makes it difficult to wear tight shirts without revealing bulginess. 

Self-consciousness when removing one's shirt on the beach or in private. 

Compression shirts or other forms of support are required due to an overhang of breast tissue

9. Gynecomastia surgery recovery period 

Gynecomastia surgery recovery is a procedure that might last many weeks or months, depending on the individual. Patients may feel some pain or swelling. In addition to medications, getting some rest and avoiding activities that may aggravate the pain or discomfort is critical. The most crucial thing for patients to do is follow their surgeon's aftercare instructions for personal pain control, medication, and physical activity. Patients may be required to wear a compression garment for many weeks following surgery to maximise the results.

The surgical wounds may take several months to heal completely and for patients to see the treatment results. The doctor will follow up with patients regularly to track their progress and ensure they are getting the best possible results.

10. It's time to get rid of chafing, skin irritation, and rash

Men with gynecomastia may be uncomfortable wearing tight clothes because they cause skin irritation and chafing near the breast area. An extra bit of fat on the chest shouldn't stop you from being a true fashionista. One can wear their favourite clothes after gynecomastia surgery because it prevents chafing, skin irritation, and rashes.


Remember that gynecomastia surgery is a highly personalised method only appropriate for each patient's situation. It is critical to contact an expert plastic surgeon specialising in body contouring to perform gynecomastia in Delhi, guide patients through the procedure, discuss their concerns, and identify the best course of action for their unique condition. If you want more details, you can also reach Dr. Mrinalini Sharma!

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