Breast Reduction Surgery for Men? Aestiva Clinic

 Gynecomastia is the excessive growth or enlargement of male breasts that can happen at any age. Factors such as weight, heredity, hormonal changes, or certain medications can cause it. Even if it is not a medical problem, this condition can cause severe psychological distress in men.

Gynecomastia surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure designed to reduce breast size and restore firmer, more manly chest contours. During gynecomastia surgery, extra fat and glandular tissue are removed. In severe cases, the areola may need to be repositioned and resized, and additional skin may need to be removed, share Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a cosmetic and plastic surgeon popularly known for performing the best surgery for Gynecomastia in Delhi.

Male Breast Reduction in Delhi, Gynecomastia in delhi

This article discusses all about this amazing male breast reduction surgery in detail.

What causes Gynecomastia? 

An imbalance of the hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone in males causes gynecomastia. There are numerous explanations for this change in a person. One may summarise the causes of this gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men), which vary from person to person, under the following descriptions:

  • Liver failure or cirrhosis 
  • Conditions in which kidney failure increases. 
  • Male hormone imbalance. 
  • Substance abuse 
  • Excessive alcohol consumption 
  • Thyroid abnormalities cause thyroid conditions. 
  • Tumours

What are the symptoms of Gynecomastia? 

In addition to the doctor's diagnosis, some patients notice gynecomastia themselves. When the symptoms are quite evident, there are several consequences: 

  • Breast swelling and hypersensitivity 
  • Intense pain in both breasts 
  • Light bleeding from the nipple 
  • Spill on the nipple 
  • Hardness of the breast.

Is it worth getting gynecomastia surgery?

The answer is yes. Surgical treatment of gynecomastia provides the healthiest and most accurate results. Different treatment options are recommended for gynecomastia, which vary depending on the patient. Before gynecomastia treatment, the patient's hormonal issue is examined with the relevant tests.

Liposuction removes fat tissue if the breast tissue is not excessively large. If it has increased in size or sagging, the surgery removes the breast tissue and the skin.

Treatment options are based on the type of gynecomastia. In addition to these approaches, liposuction treatment, which can be used with surgical intervention and mammary gland changes, is highly preferred. However, laser surgery is performed if liposuction treatment fails to achieve satisfactory results. If the breast augmentation is less than 4 cm, medication therapy can be used to achieve immediate results. However, if the growth exceeds 6 cm, surgical intervention is required. Multiple classifications of gynecomastia are identified, and various treatment strategies are developed and implemented in this direction.

You can get more details on Male Breast Reduction in Delhi with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic.

How is Gynecomastia diagnosed? 

Like any other medical diagnosis, gynecomastia is identified by seeing a plastic surgeon. When the doctor performs a physical examination, analyses and tests are requested as required.

Determining the reason significantly affects the treatment procedure in addition to the diagnosis. If the test results justify it, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and tissue biopsy can be performed. In some cases, breast growth is not caused by gynecomastia but rather by a breast structure that is unique to each individual. As a result, before diagnosing gynecomastia, the patient should be thoroughly evaluated physically, his medical history should be taken into account, and blood tests should be thoroughly examined.

Some cases can induce breast cancer in men, albeit in small amounts, and a hard nodule in the chest area can be mistaken for breast cancer.

Gynecomastia Surgery Pre-Operative Care

  • Blood tests are one of the most essential aspects of gynecomastia surgery. The doctor who will perform the surgery evaluates the analysis results, and the operation begins as planned. 
  • Flu infections should be avoided at least a week before the procedure and must be treated with attention. 
  • Blood thinners should be avoided because they may interfere with the procedure. 
  • Stop smoking and alcohol 10 days in advance. 
  • Pay attention to your eating and drinking habits and your sleep schedule.

Day of Gynecomastia Surgery

The patient whose examinations were completed before gynecomastia surgery should discontinue eating and drinking the night before surgery. Following hospitalisation, controls are implemented, and the surgical stage begins. If no complications arise at the end of the procedure, the patient's existing sutures are dressed, and the procedure is complete. Gynecomastia requires the patient to be physically and mentally prepared for the procedure. On the day of the procedure, no smoking or alcohol consumption is allowed.

Gynecomastia Surgery Post-Operative Care

The procedure following gynecomastia surgery varies depending on the surgical method. In procedures that use laser or laser liposuction techniques, the recovery phase is quick and comfortable; however, in gynecomastia caused by fatty tissue, the person experiences practical benefits after about three weeks.

  • Following surgery, the patient can be discharged the same day. However, depending on the type of general anesthesia used, it may be possible to spend one night in the hospital.
  • The initial days following gynecomastia surgery are critical for the recovery process. It is recommended that the patient lie flat for three days following the surgical procedure.
  • Sudden movements, including bending, should be avoided.
  • It is possible to shower three days after the surgical procedure.
  •  It is possible to return to work immediately and take light walks.
  • After gynecomastia surgery, oedema and swelling may occur, but they often resolve within a week.

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery

Male Breast Reduction Cost in Delhi range from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000. But this can vary. For the actual cost, you can visit Aestiva Clinic. They are the leading providers of gynecomastia surgery and have helped many men to regain their confidence back with this procedure.


Male breast reduction or Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is the most effective way of treating enlarged male breasts. It aims to make the chest appear flatter, firmer, and more masculine. 

Male breast reduction surgery is beneficial because it prevents the spinal nerves from rolling and reduces breast size, making the man's life easier and more enjoyable.

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