Breast Reduction Surgery for Men? Aestiva Clinic

Gynecomastia is the excessive growth or enlargement of male breasts that can happen at any age. Factors such as weight, heredity, hormonal changes, or certain medications can cause it. Even if it is not a medical problem, this condition can cause severe psychological distress in men. Gynecomastia surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure designed to reduce breast size and restore firmer, more manly chest contours. During gynecomastia surgery , extra fat and glandular tissue are removed. In severe cases, the areola may need to be repositioned and resized, and additional skin may need to be removed, share Dr. Mrinalini Sharma , a cosmetic and plastic surgeon popularly known for performing the best surgery for Gynecomastia in Delhi . This article discusses all about this amazing male breast reduction surgery in detail. What causes Gynecomastia? An imbalance of the hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone in males causes gynecomastia . There a...